You’re spacey and unsure how to manage your own energy (not to mention everyone else’s).

You’ve been walking around barefoot, hugging trees, and holding crystals but you’re not feeling what everyone else is talking about.

You’ve heard the importance of grounding and understanding your energy body-you’re open to it, but have no idea where to begin,

And now, you're fed up because you thought you would be a lot further along on your healing journey.

You're feeling more stuck than the planet in its orbit around the sun.

You've visualized roots, tried doing yoga and meditating - but it's just not clicking.

You're hearing experts and gurus talking about the importance of grounding, and wondering what you're missing.

You're struggling with the highs and lows on the spiritual path, and can't figure out how to do it on your own

I get it.

I went through a traumatic spiritual awakening

and needing psychiatric care for stability

It was this experience that taught me the importance of my energetic body

I knew the only way to prevent this from happening again was to learn the proper tools I needed to manage the psychic gifts I was born with

Healing is possible-and you can safely and confidently step onto the spiritual path.


Grounding Course for Empaths, Psychics and Sensitives is a 6 week course so you can build confidence and manage energetic overwhelm

At the end of our 6 weeks together,

you'll walk away with:

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

    1. Expectations and Policies of the Course (read this first)

    2. Welcome + Introduction

    3. Let's Get to Know Each other, ok?

    4. A Special Video just for my beta testers!

    1. 🌲Week One Introduction Video

    2. Energetic Hygiene: the basics

    3. Grounded vs. Ungrounded: How do you know?

    4. Determining Your Baseline: Emotional + Energetic

    5. Quick Grounding Meditation

    6. Week One Wrap Up: Action Steps + Goals

    1. 🌳Week 2 Introduction Video

    2. Benefits to Grounding

    3. Ways to Stay Grounded Throughout the Day

    4. Wheel of Life Assignment

    5. Wheel of Life PDF

    6. Energetic Hygiene Video

    7. Grounding Tips For Success (and make you feel like you aren't wasting your time)

    8. How Grounded are you? **Optional Quizzes**

    9. Grounding Meditation: Assignment

    10. Grounding Meditation Audio

    1. 🌲Week 3 Introduction Video

    2. The Importance of Grounding

    3. Getting to the Root

    4. Myths about Grounding

    5. Animism: The Basics

    6. Animism and Grounding

    7. Assignment: Cycling Energy with a Tree: Animistic Approach

    8. Energetic Assessment

    9. Energetic Assessment Info

    10. Scattered Energy + Authentic Self Meditation

    11. Energetic Check In

    12. Week 3 Discussions, Check-Ins, Questions + Shares


    1. Week 4 Video! Watch Me First!!

    2. Grounding and Intuition


    4. How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions And Energy

    5. Strengthen Your Nervous System: Mind-Body Connection

    6. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    7. Week 4 Discussion Post + Check In!

    1. Yoga Nidra

    2. Grounding and Centering

    3. Mind Body Spirit Check List

    4. Working with your Body Deva: an Introduction

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

What You'll Get When You Join

Grounding for Empaths, Psychics, and Sensitives

  • Self Study 4 week course with 2 additional weeks of online support

  • Online Support through Discussion Boards and Email for 6 weeks

  • Worksheets, Quizzes, and Interactive Assignments

  • Meditations that you can download and use for life

  • Online Community with other empaths, psychics, and sensitives


“After the grounding course, I can stay grounded as a daily practice and check in regularly. I feel much more aware of my energetic base line. I feel a deeper connection to myself and feel very at ease. I feel more present with myself and others and the moment.”

Julianna S.

“My biggest takeaway from the course is the ability to recognize when I am too open and over absorbing other energies and how to address that with grounding very quickly and effectively. I can say that I have developed a better understanding of how the Universe/Spirit can speak to and guide you if you are open to learning and listening.”

Teresa M.

Imagine what it would feel like to...

  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety

    When you're energetically grounded, you're better able to manage your emotions and stay centered in challenging situations.

  • Increase Energy Levels

    By staying connected to the earth's energy, you can boost your own energy levels and feel more alert and focused throughout the day.

  • Enhance Intuition

    By tuning into your own energy field, grounding can help strengthen your intuition and inner wisdom, allowing you to trust your instincts and make better choices


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs


Course curriculum

    1. Expectations and Policies of the Course (read this first)

    2. Welcome + Introduction

    3. Let's Get to Know Each other, ok?

    4. A Special Video just for my beta testers!

    1. 🌲Week One Introduction Video

    2. Energetic Hygiene: the basics

    3. Grounded vs. Ungrounded: How do you know?

    4. Determining Your Baseline: Emotional + Energetic

    5. Quick Grounding Meditation

    6. Week One Wrap Up: Action Steps + Goals

    1. 🌳Week 2 Introduction Video

    2. Benefits to Grounding

    3. Ways to Stay Grounded Throughout the Day

    4. Wheel of Life Assignment

    5. Wheel of Life PDF

    6. Energetic Hygiene Video

    7. Grounding Tips For Success (and make you feel like you aren't wasting your time)

    8. How Grounded are you? **Optional Quizzes**

    9. Grounding Meditation: Assignment

    10. Grounding Meditation Audio

    1. 🌲Week 3 Introduction Video

    2. The Importance of Grounding

    3. Getting to the Root

    4. Myths about Grounding

    5. Animism: The Basics

    6. Animism and Grounding

    7. Assignment: Cycling Energy with a Tree: Animistic Approach

    8. Energetic Assessment

    9. Energetic Assessment Info

    10. Scattered Energy + Authentic Self Meditation

    11. Energetic Check In

    12. Week 3 Discussions, Check-Ins, Questions + Shares


    1. Week 4 Video! Watch Me First!!

    2. Grounding and Intuition


    4. How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions And Energy

    5. Strengthen Your Nervous System: Mind-Body Connection

    6. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    7. Week 4 Discussion Post + Check In!

    1. Yoga Nidra

    2. Grounding and Centering

    3. Mind Body Spirit Check List

    4. Working with your Body Deva: an Introduction

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Payment Options

Payment Plan and Sliding Scale

There is a 2 month payment plan available and sliding scale of $125-197. You choose what you pay based on your current financial situation. Email [email protected] for your payment plan or sliding scale links